Horizon Scanning
The Government's Horizon Scanning Team is gearing up to produce a third review of technologies with the potential to boost UK productivity and improve public services. The previous reviews in 2009 and 2012 threw up the likes of 3D printing, smart …
It is a core tenet of the Horizon Scanning Programme that to get a strong grasp of the most important challenges and opportunities for the UK over the long term, we must draw on a broad range of expertise. For …
All large organisations, not just governments, need to take the long-term view. Many have some kind of dedicated function to help them do so, whether they call it horizon scanning, futures, foresight or anything else. As part of our work …
Today we published a number of papers from the first year of the horizon scanning programme, including papers on the supply and demand of resources, emerging economies, emerging technologies and social attitudes of young people. The papers show the range …
The Horizon Scanning Team has been exploring new areas of potential horizon scanning projects as well as continuing others, such as Emerging Technologies and Supply and Demand of Resources. We thought it was good time to update you on what …
The horizon scanning programme is developing a set of tools to help make long-term strategic thinking an essential part of what good policy looks like. Our toolkit, launched as a beta, is designed to help policy, strategy and analyst officials …
On Monday 30th June the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) launched the fifth edition of Global Strategic Trends – Out to 2045. The report identifies long-term threats and opportunities looking thirty years ahead, based on rigorous analysis and discussions with subject-matter experts from both domestic …
Horizon scanning is a relatively new programme for Government, and we welcome challenge by others about the way we do things. In particular, we are always keen to improve the way we work with external experts and departments.
What is Horizon Scanning? It is often hard to think about the future. It is impossible to predict it with perfect accuracy. However, a lot of what government does has impacts that last for many years.
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